Chewton Domain Society
145 Main Rd Chewton
PO Box 85, Chewton Vic 3451

For more information
Do you have questions about the 1851 Monster Meeting of Diggers or information to share on this website? The website is a work-in-progress, so we always welcome suggestions and more information to add. You can contact the Editor, Pat Healy, at Chewton Domain Society to discuss.
You can also visit our historical People and Places Display and collection at Chewton Town Hall. Our volunteers can help you research your family connection to Chewton and find out more about the development of the area and the early days of the gold rush. Or you can just browse the collection. The display is usually open Sunday 1 – 4pm at 145 Main Rd Chewton.
The CDS produces and prints the Chewton Chat every month and we maintain the CDS website and Facebook page (
CDS also organises Monster Meeting events, including the annual commemoration every December at the Monster Meeting site in the Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park.
And we have the Monster Meeting books, CDs, flags and T-shirts for sale.